The Compass travels too

Some stuff seems to not scare South Boy anymore.

“did you hear about that attack on the…

[here it comes]

…train, it’s terrifying…

[heard it before]

…yeah I don’t know, the people online are saying it’s something about [insert any war for land control]”

They wait eagerly for his response, with those big eyes of theirs…

Ohh yeah that’s terrifying

“Now my trip to see the Moors in Andalusia is ruined”, North Boy would say.

“No way am I catching a train anytime soon! I am not gonna be on the news. No way! Forgotten to some ad agencies clever copywriting. Nope. No thanks”, he continued.

East Girl would usually wait for South Boy to chime in with a…

Well, it would never be us, we’ve been chosen by the Gods. When it’s our time to go back home, it’ll be for a reason…

Instead, she jumps in with…

“Four four in four door

Mind the gap please

Bing bong baddaboom

The cow goes moooo”

Then she falls silent for the whole train ride.

West Girl waits for the doors to close and East to look out the window before she slides an old receipt across the table.

West watches as East doesn’t even notice it for a whole station, lost in the passing trees. Then when they hit East Grinstead her lonesome longing grows tired and she looks back to the group and picks up the paper.

West watches East’s eyes scanning the words and the corner of her mouth slightly quiver as the whispered words leave her mouth.

She looks up at West, smiles and bows her head, then crunches it up into a ball and flicks it into North’s drink.


DoaD #11 - Self-Study


DoaD #10 - To Not Force Things