DoaD #10 - To Not Force Things


[loud traffic noises]

This is Episode 10 of Diary of a Daoist.

The Ending of Today, I’m feeling on top of the world. For some reason everything that was bothering me the past few days, has ceased to exist. I had such a beautiful coaching session with the kids. Reminding myself that all of this came about through complete ease, I did not have to try to get this. This came about from me, reconnecting with something that I loved doing as a kid and reaching out.

It's taken a while, but it's gotten to a point where I'm very confident in what I'm doing and my ability to do it. I've taken a step up to lead sessions now and that's a big difference mentally for me, but it's not even as scary as when I first thought about trying to coach and teaching kids. It was absolutely terrifying, the thought that “I have to be this role model to these kids and shape their minds. Teach them how to use their bodies to move over objects and obstacles”. Yeah, wow.

I've been stressing so much to find another job to get more money to make it a little bit easy. But as this new crescent moon is looking down on me, she’s got her purpose, and this man with his dog curled up in his arms that’s walking past me, everyone's got their purpose and doing their own little thing. I'm doing mine right now. The other parts looking for fulfilment will reveal their self in due time. I just need to trust the way that is opening up for me.

Yeah, I want to find other ways that I can generate an income through my skills, on my own time. But at the same time, I don't. I can't force this stuff anymore.

I felt what it feels like to not force things. It's so uncomfortable to go back to doing that and I just can't. It’s a curse and a blessing but it’s more of a blessing than anything else.

As I end this and catch the 65 that’s just coming up, I’m gonna ride this bus with ease and let it take me where it needs to take me.

And that’s Life.



The Compass travels too


DoaD #9 - Have I done enough?