Sister Rahsmariah V. Bey: Astrology Made Easy

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My Mother used to say, “Do not worry about the things you have no control over. Everything has its own control. It has rhyme, it has reason and it has a season”. Zodiac is a representation of the laws of nature. The movements/progressions of the sun

Positives and negatives exist at the same time. It's a matter of how you see it. There is a silver lining behind every cloud. People knew when to plant what and where based on the phases of the moon. 39:27

Right after the crusades, 1500s in “their” time, they began christianity in its present form. When they did that they took and made the cross [from the progression of the sun cycle and the cardinal lines]. What do Catholics call themselves? Cardinals.

They took it from the cycles of the sun. And made it a religion. [Points at diagram] This is not a religion, this is… it’s a way of life, that's the way it is, it's the natural universal law.

This is not a religion. It is a representation of the natural laws of the universe. It is a way of life not a religion. Religion isn't a culture. Because a culture to me means to cult-ivate, nourish, flourish. We gotta get back to this. It's very simple. We take the middleman out.

Find out what your blueprint is and go do it. 

“If something feels good in your ears and you can feel it in the heart, that is your soul, then it's for you. Not what someone else thinks it should be, that's how you know that that's what you should be doing in your life. [ref wheel] This is your culture, this is your map to finding and being yourself”

When man moves he is in motion - energy-in-motion.  So if someone calls you emotional, that one is saying that you are a mass of energy in movement.  Without a knowledge of self, this movement—which is supposed to be productive— can also be sporadic, destructive, or developmentally restrictive. This is why it has been traditionally affirmed within institutions of higher learning and Philosophy, that one ought to “put a circle around one’s passions and square up one’s conduct”.  This statement implies that one should be conscious of the inconsistencies of the carnal self, and lead the self by the principles of the higher virtues. Energy in motion, without direction, can be potentially destructive; or at the very least, non-productive.  Knowing of your ‘Higher Self’ and ‘Lower Self’ is that state of knowing the ‘aspects’ and the ‘nature’ of the conjoined energies in your personal ‘Chart’ or Horoscope. 

Energy is that force, vigor, and power of expression. It is the exercise of power, operation, and activity, etc. The forces that the energies take on are either of Air, of Fire, of Earth or of Water.  The manner in which the force is utilized is either “Cardinal” which is ‘initiating’; “Fixed” which is ‘stabilizing’; or “Flexible” which is ‘mutating’; and likened to the 4 Seasons in this mundane existence.

The planets and the signs are moving into the houses. Everything has motion. Each season is 3 months and within each month is 30 degrees. Start with your sign. Count every other one from your sign. You’ll find they’re all complementary. These are called Decants


Dec 22nd 23rd 24th you can feel this strange energy and actually notice the winter equinox happening where it feels like everything has stopped even though it hasn't and then it starts again on the 25th (resurrected). Something you got to feel. It happens in spite of us but we’re not looking for it so we don't feel it and we’re not in tune to it so we don't feel it.



Moorish Economic Astrology


It had been a while since I saw you