Moorish Economic Astrology

Sister Rasmariah Bey - Taj Tarik Bey - Master Azzaziel Bey 
[Sourced from this video -]

Astrology and cosmology form the bedrock of Moorish science, shaping civilizations and religions alike. However, rulers often conceal this truth from the masses, knowing that if people understood its power, liberation would have come long ago.

“Man know thy self”

This is the science used by the ancient ones to know the self, it’s a mirror, it’s a mathematical spiritual reflective mirror of yourself. It does not deal with ego and it does not deal with vanity. It deals with what’s there.

When you draw your Zodiac chart, you’re drawing a map. It gives you a map of the character that you are, how your mother made you, and it gives you your highs and lows. The universe ebbs and flows, it pulses in and out. You must know those rhythms are calculated and that comes from the energies of the planets

[hebrew] Eloah singular Elohim plural (pronounce Elam) allah / god 

The Law / All Law / All-ah / Allah / Arm Leg Leg Arm Head / You are Allah / The Law

The number 7 represents the seven Eloah, the ruling planets among the ten in our solar system. These planets are associated with the days of the week: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.

Moorish sciences rule planet earth. 

All ancient deities are feminine. The Amazon Queens are what ran government. Queens were always the ones that had to be referred to before any decision was made in ancient civilizations. Not because of any politics because that is the way of nature. The Matriarch is in harmony with nature. And we fell out of that harmony. It's not that we have to get back to that because of politics. It is demanded by nature herself. When you get out of harmony with nature she will kick your kiestar. You have to understand how nature works. Keep up the mystery god work and she will make sure you're extinct. Turn your hearts back to your mothers and fathers.

There is no male egg in nature. Queen bees in all species, same in ant colonies, the queen just reproduces. When they need to expand the collany they pick a select few female bees and bring them into a chamber and surround them walking in circles and they vibrate and feed them royal jelly. This is real food - honey. They vibrate around them. Now they don't know how it happens but it's true, then the females turn into males and they mate with them and make more. The same thing happens with you, it's just that you dont know yourself. This is why women always outnumber us. There are works in nature that we need to be familiar with in order to understand ourselves. There are things we can't understand because we've been stuck in belief systems that don't run on mathematics. All you need to know is already there. Look around you and know that I am God.

If you really want to understand spirituality, you really want to understand islam, yerudism (judaism), you really want to understand it with a crystal mind you must have a feminine thought. Because everything that comes on this planet comes through the stargate, women is the stargate. So it's important that your frame of mind is right. Both the physical and unseen.


Astro logic

Star logics

Star common sense

Here's your masta teacha


They're the ones who adapt. One minute they're gonna do something, the next minute they change it up. It is just their nature, so don't try to change them out of their nature. They are the workers, they are the one that is going to put in the work. Understand them and utilize them. The negative side is they are users. They’ll use them up until you can't anymore. The swastika represents the sun cycle. The four seasons and astrology.

Capricorn is social status. Perseverance. They will be successful.

Houses. Astrology signs. Planets.

Astrology signs are lords of the house.

If you have a problem with something, go look at your chart. It is your nature. Don't fight it. What's in your house of finance? What's in your house of communication?

We do the sun sign (in modern faux astrology) and we don't even do the moon and we don't realize…The moon is our real self. It's the light that shines in the darkness. That's your soul. The sun is just the characteristics that express your soul, the dictates of your soul. These planets are energies. What planets are in your life? What energies are in your life that are affecting it?

Your first house is your self

Your seventh house is everything that opposes yourself and that is your mate

Yin Yang polarity. Battery polarity. Negative and positive, doesn't mean good or bad.

Water and Earth signs are Negative, because they are Receivers. They’ll walk into the room won't say much, don't sleep on them because they’ll take everything in.

🜃 Earth Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

🜄 Water Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Water and Earth signs are receivers, negative, also female signs. It receives the energy because women receive.

🜂 Fire Aries, Leo, Sagitarius

🜁 Air Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Positive signs are all of the Fire and Air signs. They are the people who come into the room and start giving out energy, the energy is all around, that is how they utilize it. So don't get mad at them because they come into the party and get shit started because that is their nature. Somebody gotta do it. We stand there judging because we are ignorant and don't even understand the energies in front of us that are really there to bring us into a blending and harmony. We talk about them because we don't have that quality but we are not supposed to have that quality we have something else. Because it's the ebb and the flow of the energies of the universe you are tapping into. And you use it, utilize it in a way, present it or represent it in a certain way, take it in and transform it into something else. You’re here to follow the dictates of your soul. 

Your moon is your soul.

You got [insert sun sign element] building on top of the dictates of your soul and the way in which you express it [insert ascendant sign element] feeds the soul

Know yourself - Study your Natal Chart

Get yourself in the right environment that will allow you to express your soul in the right environment. Where will allow a [insert element] ascendant to express an [insert element] soul. Stop thinking something is wrong with you, understand what is right with you. Read your chart. Knowledge of self. Your chart is your navigation. You have to call on the lords. The lords are astrology signs. They rule the house, the mansions, each one of those signs is a lord of a house. It's the season. There's a season and a rhyme of reason for everything. It depends on the time because the lords are transcending and always moving around the houses. They could be visiting one house one minute then another the next. That's why two twins could be different. You can't stay up past 36 hrs and you'll fall asleep standing. You have to go back to the astral plane. So which is more real, here or the astral plane? Ok so you're here for a reason then. How can you get there without your chart? You're a navigator. You got a reason to be here. The ship is round. Everything is 360 degrees. Its navigation. You are a divine, spiritual, chemical and magnetic being.

The houses are the foundation. The 12 houses are the 12 facets of your life. Everyone has a 1st house of Self [find out what’s happening in it, what planet]. Everyone has a 2nd house of possession/finance [i.e clothes in the closet, food in the fridge]. The 3rd house is of communication and basic intellect…

The houses are there. Then there are the astrology signs, they're moving, constantly visiting. “The first house belongs to Aries but he wasn't there, he was over in the 5th house visiting Leo. It's always moving thats why its called the clock of destiny” The houses do not move, the signs do. The third aspect, the planets. It's not about good or bad, it's about knowing that energy and knowing what is affecting what. You still don't know yourself. Anything that is 4 signs away from you is 120 degrees and anything that is 120 degrees away from you is in harmony with you. It's all mathematics.


Can you ever be reached once you’ve dived so deep?


Sister Rahsmariah V. Bey: Astrology Made Easy