DoaD #26 - Walking Each Other Home

Episode 26 of DoaD Diary of a Daoist. 

Another beautiful day on this planet. 

The main focus of the day was that very short performance, and it went perfectly. Surprisingly, more people were there than I expected. It was mainly people walking past. It was perfect, because I built up in my head this fear of all these people surrounding and me having to put on a perfect performance, and there was less people. There’s nothing perfect to do. It was simply me being me and my many little octopus legs of creativity I have being shown. It was a way for me to show people, a large part of me that maybe they didn't know. It's opening so many doors. 

Yeah, I’m so comfortable on a Sunday, especially, maybe if it was a Monday or Wednesday I wouldn't be in that energy. But on the Sun's day, I’m in my stride, in my Earthy expressiveness. That was not my Virgo coming out. That was my Leo Mars, probably, and my Jupiter and Saturn Gemini communication coming through. Or it was simply I seeing I, loving people and conversation, having the opportunity to be my full self. 

Today was also paired with the ending of something else that… it’s not easy, and my head is still unsure. But my heart knows it’s still filled with love, and it’s gonna take a while for the head to get on board. In the meantime, I've got beautiful fulfilling things to do that will keep my mind active towards our purpose. Even though this festival for Foucan Academy, is a little bit stressful, I’m not alone. I almost fell into thinking I had to do all this by myself when I was never told to. Now I'm seeing the beauty in togetherness.

A beautiful day with good people and fruit. Did a fruit fast until the performance and yeah, wow. That connected me straight back to my 13/14 year old self that was doing this. They still feel like fake memories, but I remember doing these beautifully shitty little parkour dance performances with those guys at the Watermans Centre in Brentford, and it was so fun. Terrifying and nerve-wracking, but so fun. My soul grew so much as a kid when I did that. So doing that today and being able to hear feedback from the people that were watching and they’d get something from my response, I didn't realize I wanted… 



it’s all falling into place and in one of these future entries, I will be talking about the vision that is still in my head for where this has all taken me. Seeing well books come into reality. 

I can see it on a day like that, where the vans parked up near that parkour spot by the Turks launches, by Canberry Gardens. Me and Laurie and those guys hanging out in the van, reading books, selling books, putting on workshops, talking about creative ideas and writing. Doing movement workshops and mindful workshops at Fusebox and Canberry space. That late summer, the five o'clock sun coming in and the ease of not having to worry about anything, because I'm around good people. 

My heart is full,

my mind is empty. 

That's heaven. 

That's heaven, right here. I can see it in my mind so it simply needs time to actualize. For the seeds to grow. They've been planted, and they are growing. I'm excited for future Josh and past Josh to meet, slowly but surely, walking that path,

that always leads home



DoaD #27 - The Return


DoaD #25 - The Fire Trials