anchor by the craven

Anchor by the Crave N one got me dancing like a freak in the kitchen. Staring at myself in the reflection of the window watching the hands flail around with the fields behind them. Reciting rhymes that aren't mine but feeling goosebumps regardless. What's the point in creating if it don't come with ease. Stop stressing. Stop trying lil homie. It's easy. If it ain't right, it ain't right. Don't force what don't wanna be moved. Like a basset hound on your lead. If it smells the lead of a trail, you can’t pull it the other way. So why do the same. Why let yourself be dragged the other way when you can hear something calling deep down. Put on a hit. Blast that shit the loudest it can go and just move your feet to the beat. Let the arms move how they want to move, no ones watching just fuckin moveee. Dance in your kitchen like this your last breath. Look down at your arms as the goosebumps drip off your shoulder and watch as the creased cheeks follow. This is it. I can feel it in the palm of my fucking hands. No blood sweat or tears today just letting the words spill til my pen breaks. 


Wisdom God 


Now I’m holding the gun