Learning to cycle

How did you learn to walk before you could speak? You weren't told what to do. You followed the natural way and learnt from doing and falling flat on your face. Many times. Why is adult life any different? We are sold this idea that there is this magic secret that we can be told and explained in a simple step by step process if we just trust and follow those who seem to guard it and are “above our prestige”. It is still hard for me and for most western minds to grasp the cyclic world view of the far east. Life is like a circle. With no beginning or end. Where the end is the beginning and the beginning the end. So how could a mind that needs a goal or linear line to follow and feel like it can reach an end grasp the idea of a simple circle. Where do our projects start or end? Is inspiration the beginning of a project or the end of the last one? Or is it both? When the focus is set on the goals we work towards and what will come of our creative efforts the true meaning of creating is lost. Is it not all about just creating. Staying in a state of complete focus on what is in your hands and in front of you and maintaining that state of flow. What is there outside this present moment?




Everything is Material